Mone Welsche

English Abstracts: Equine assisted therapy from the viewpoint of participating children and adolescents

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Equine assisted therapy (EAT) is often used for children and adolescents with a variety of goals. This paper presents a study and its results, which explored the perceptions and experiences of children and adolescents (n=39) who participated in EAT through interviews. The quantitative results of the qualitative content analysis match with many aspects stated in relevant literature. Furthermore, new insight and indications could be gained for the practical work as well as for further research.
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Bibliographie Mone Welsche
English Abstracts: Equine assisted therapy from the viewpoint of participating children and adolescents
Artikelnummer MUP20200410
Autor:in Mone Welsche
Erscheinungsdatum 22.09.2020
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