J. Lemmer Schmid

Community Dance as a Psychomotor Approach to Personal Development in (Higher) Education

An Interview with Mara Natterer
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In times of rapid transformation processes triggered by digitalization, artificial intelligence, or complex problems such as climate change or social inequality, the education system is particularly challenged to prepare the younger generation not only with specialist knowledge but also to best support their personal development to face current challenges (HOPE, 2024). For this, so-called future competencies must be defined and newly established in their didactic targeting in schools and universities. In the German Higher Education Qualification Framework (HQR, 2017), the term "professional competence" has been defined as an appropriate educational goal. Responsible and reflective action is based not only on professional and methodological skills but also on social and self-competencies (ibid. p. 4).
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Bibliographie J. Lemmer Schmid
Community Dance as a Psychomotor Approach to Personal Development in (Higher) Education
An Interview with Mara Natterer
5 Seiten.
Seiten 5
Artikelnummer MOTORIK20250113
Autor:in J. Lemmer Schmid
Erscheinungsdatum 01.01.2025
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